Midas Investments Ltd. keeps analog and virtual worlds united


Midas Investments Ltd is a private company registered under the laws of Hong Kong.

This website is for general informational purposes only. Nothing herein is an offer to buy or sell, financial or investment advice. The artworks demonstrated in the “Gallery” section of the website are the property of Midas Investments Ltd. If these artworks are currently offered for sale, links may be provided to the marketplaces where the sale may be processed. In this case, any sale will be governed by the applicable rules of the marketplace.

Past performance of any fund or strategy is not predictive of future performance.

In order to make informed investments, intending investors are advised to read all available external and internal documents before investing. Carefully consider the risk factors, investment objectives, fees, expenses, and other information related to your investment. NFTs are inherently subject to the risks and uncertainty associated with investing in crypto assets, including cryptocurrencies and crypto tokens. It is intended for investors who can withstand a potential loss of the entire investment. Since crypto assets are a constantly evolving technology with a short history, they are highly speculative. The price of a crypto asset may be affected by the transactions of a small number of holders. Crypto assets may decline in popularity, acceptance, or use, which may affect their price. Before making an investment decision, each prospective investor must conduct an independent review and investigation of the investment object, including its merits and risks, and base its investment decision on such review and survey. Prospective investors should not rely solely on Midas Investments in making their investment decisions. Prospective investors should not construe the content available on this website as legal, tax, investment, or other advice. We strongly recommend each person to consult one personal advisor for information on the legal, tax, regulatory, financial, accounting, and similar consequences of one’s prospective investment, the suitability of the venture for the relevant investor, and other relevant matters. This website contains only a summary presentation of the Midas Investments and does not cover all aspects associated with the services we can provide in the course of our business relations.

Last revised: 15 March 2022

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